Monster Mind F*cks: Without batting an EYE!

The coming insanity is BDC’s fault… We started with a demon that doesn’t get into your head, but, once you’re faced with it, it will be hard to wrap your head around: The Maurezhi. But, now, let’s get into the meat of the matter. These are not just creatures that freak you out. The restContinueContinue reading “Monster Mind F*cks: Without batting an EYE!”

D&D Monster Mind F*s: The Maurezhi

The following rolling darkness comes from the scheming mind of BDC. Now, this project began as a look into monsters that can F your mind up. But we’re going to begin with one that never ever intrudes into your mental space but will mess you up anyway…or, at least, those left among the living! Now,ContinueContinue reading “D&D Monster Mind F*s: The Maurezhi”