Two Sides to Every Story: Welcome to the Plane of Mirrors

The Mirror has always been an unsettling object within our collective folk tales, myths and communal experience. Although we feel it necessary to have one around for points of vanity and social acceptance, much like the reflections in the mirror, there has always seemed to be something haunting us from the shadows behind but notContinueContinue reading “Two Sides to Every Story: Welcome to the Plane of Mirrors”

Forgotten Skills: Plasmoid Assassin Character Reference

We continue our tour of the splintered minds that make up our Campaign Pitch of Cosmic Horror goodness with a most interesting build. Plasmoids, as a rule, are a strange build. Being a new race offered in the 5E Spelljammer sourcebooks, it’s not gotten a lot of traction and is near impossible to find picContinueContinue reading “Forgotten Skills: Plasmoid Assassin Character Reference”

Forgotten Lore: The Stuff of Nightmares

No enemy is as bad as that creature that lurks within our dreams and fuels our nightmares. Like Freddy Kruger of Nightmare on Elm Street, it’s not a monster you can hunt down in any conventional way. And, no matter how powerful you are, it’s hard to escape the fear buried deep inside your mind;ContinueContinue reading “Forgotten Lore: The Stuff of Nightmares”

Monster Mind F*cks: Without batting an EYE!

The coming insanity is BDC’s fault… We started with a demon that doesn’t get into your head, but, once you’re faced with it, it will be hard to wrap your head around: The Maurezhi. But, now, let’s get into the meat of the matter. These are not just creatures that freak you out. The restContinueContinue reading “Monster Mind F*cks: Without batting an EYE!”

An Introduction to Giff!

As I am sure everyone is aware by now the Giff have made their way to 5E and will be making their way to tables with the release of the new SpellJammer books on Aug 16th of this year! I have always loved the look of the Giff and their unique lore but with themContinueContinue reading “An Introduction to Giff!”

D&D Cross Over: Psycho Mantis

One of my favorite gaming memories was playing through Metal Gear Solid for the first time and facing down the odd and insane looking Psycho Mantis. The games he played with you, and the unique tactics it took to beat him, were pure genius to me! He was one of my favorite villain’s of allContinueContinue reading “D&D Cross Over: Psycho Mantis”

Wizards brings Class to MTG!

Last week, during the spoilers and previews, we were introduced to a new type of card coming in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms set for MTG. While theorizing about the different things we may see coming from Magic the Gatherings’ first venture into a Dungeons and Dragons world, I had many thoughts. The dungeon cardsContinueContinue reading “Wizards brings Class to MTG!”

Will Orc Tribal Finally Get Its Due in Forgotten Realms?

Now first of all, this is a speculation article not a spoiler. I have no new info about the upcoming MTG set, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Unfortunately. What we have plenty of here in the Magic Tavern is opinions and speculation. Lots of it. And we’ve had a discussion recently about some possibilities ofContinueContinue reading “Will Orc Tribal Finally Get Its Due in Forgotten Realms?”

Are you ready to venture into the dungeon?

Okay, So let’s take a quick minute to talk about the POSSIBLE, yes I said possible, new mechanic in the next main set of Magic: the Gathering. A potential leaked card from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms was released onto Reddit today and… it’s a doozy. We love new mechanics and changing up the game is always fun but this one leaves us all wondering what could it possibly be? Well, I’ve got some ideas!