Planeswalker Spoiler: Confirmed for Kaldheim?

Article by BDC I usually wait till the weekend to drop these speculations, but ran into this pic in one of my groups and had truly consider the possibility that Kaya will be in the Viking-Themed set, Kaldheim. This comes a few weeks after the spoiled figure of Kaya coming about the same time asContinueContinue reading “Planeswalker Spoiler: Confirmed for Kaldheim?”

Day one of Commander Legends previews: Our 5 top cards

So today saw the Preview cards begin to get released from different creators and websites. There were some amazing reprints and some brand new cards that look spectacular. This is easily one of the most anticipated sets to come out in quiet a while.

The hunt for the perfect cards

When it comes to magic, there isn’t much better than holding the card you’ve needed to finish a deck in your hands. Is there a difference where the cards came from? Does it feel better if you crack open a pack and find it there? What about finding it in a bulk bin on accident? Buying it from your local game store?

If I Wrote: Zendikar Rising

With Zendikar coming out in a little over a month, I thought I would take some time and talk out my ideas on where I hope and wish the story for the plane would go. Zendikar is easily one of my faovirte planes, being the first place we saw the Eldrazi and how much I love those titans. The last time we saw the plane is was in ruins and the battles that were waged had taken its toll on the plane itself.

Reprints: What are you willing to pay?

At the end of the day that’s the question right? Whether it is a $4 draft pack or a $300 box of Double Masters, in the end it only matters what we are willing to pay for them. That’s one of the main reasons it confused me so much to see people angry over the price of Double Masters…