The Abyss has no fury like a Dragon Scorned!

The next bit of fun comes from the mad mind of BDC. In our big campaign pitch, this month, we layed out a great frame work for a great game or series of games. It is simply Xorvindaal, the game that dragons play in order to outsmart their peers and take their hoards. Sounds likeContinueContinue reading “The Abyss has no fury like a Dragon Scorned!”

Campaign Pitch: Xorvintaal, a game of Dragons & Hoards!

Now, to start, this has nothing to do with Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon despite the ideas that ‘Dragon Games’ brings up. It is just one of myriad of old-school D&D lore that I dug up and found to be the perfect backdrop for an ongoing campaign. Dragons live long lives andContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: Xorvintaal, a game of Dragons & Hoards!”

Casual Kaalia: EDH deck tech

So, story time. When I was first getting back into MTG, my son was around 10 years old. He wanted to play commander with me and that sounded like fun. Just something for us to enjoy together. So I asked him what I asked him what type of deck he would like. His answer was…ContinueContinue reading “Casual Kaalia: EDH deck tech”


In the exciting RPG fantasy words of games like D&D and Pathfinder, there are so many things in an expansive campaign setting to keep your players attention that the last thing on anyone’s mind is banking. But let’s get real. Especially once a party gets to 10th level and beyond, the reality of the amount of gold that some parties just carry around is more fantasy than the spells and magic items…