Character Reference: Return of the Mirror Knight

“You wake on the floor surrounded by shards of mirrored glass. Looking around, you can see that the glass actually came from a large mirror now shattered and littering the room. You slowly stand. As the light entering the room reflects off your armor, it flashes a beam across the room and, as you move,ContinueContinue reading “Character Reference: Return of the Mirror Knight”

Campaign Pitch: The Other Side of the Mirror

A leader of a super powered kingdom suddenly changes demeanor overnight; threatening to throw the world it exists in into absolute chaos. A notorious bandit stops their wave of crime and murder to aid the people in an uprising that changes the fates of many. Important people begin to disappear only to reappear in theContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: The Other Side of the Mirror”

Two Sides to Every Story: Welcome to the Plane of Mirrors

The Mirror has always been an unsettling object within our collective folk tales, myths and communal experience. Although we feel it necessary to have one around for points of vanity and social acceptance, much like the reflections in the mirror, there has always seemed to be something haunting us from the shadows behind but notContinueContinue reading “Two Sides to Every Story: Welcome to the Plane of Mirrors”

Forgotten Skills: Plasmoid Assassin Character Reference

We continue our tour of the splintered minds that make up our Campaign Pitch of Cosmic Horror goodness with a most interesting build. Plasmoids, as a rule, are a strange build. Being a new race offered in the 5E Spelljammer sourcebooks, it’s not gotten a lot of traction and is near impossible to find picContinueContinue reading “Forgotten Skills: Plasmoid Assassin Character Reference”

Let’s Visit the Thayan Enclave (and a few Red Wizards too!)

The powerful Red Wizards of Thay have gotten some due attention thanks to the movie, D&D: Honor Among Thieves (now in theaters). But, although they totally dream at night of world domination using their undead minions, did you know that the vaunted council of Zulkirs had a backup plan for world domination? Why yes, theyContinueContinue reading “Let’s Visit the Thayan Enclave (and a few Red Wizards too!)”

In the image of my Father: Autognome Character Reference

This month we published an opening campaign pitch for a Spelljammer Cosmic Horror game. Read it first or alongside for it all to make sense. We also dropped a character reference on the Giff gunslinger who was on the hunt for the ultimate prey; a godlike, eldritch being of pure entropy and destruction. But toContinueContinue reading “In the image of my Father: Autognome Character Reference”


After dropping my article on playing multiple personalities in D&D, I realized that this whole campaign we’ve been playing for the last six months makes a great pitch. Basically, we jumped headlong into the setting of Spelljammer, adopted most of the classic races you find in the new sourcebooks and our DM, Steps, went allContinueContinue reading “CAMPAIGN PITCH: SPELLJAMMER COSMIC HORROR”

Campaign Pitch: The Mad Dreams of Cryonax

Reading over my travelogue deep diving the Paraelemental Plane of Ice AKA Frostfell, I began to see pieces that would make a great campaign. There are so many juicy tidbits to be gobbled up by an attentive DM and it makes a great backdrop for storytelling. But, as with many elemental planes, it seems aContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: The Mad Dreams of Cryonax”

Braving the Bitter Cold in the Volatile plane of FROSTFELL

Over a year ago, we talked about Genasi options who were under the influence of the para-elemental planes of Smoke, Ice, Dust and ooze. Now, we’re going to go on an expedition to one of the aforementioned planes; the plane of ICE. Now, you’ll need a bit more prep than you did for The SwampContinueContinue reading “Braving the Bitter Cold in the Volatile plane of FROSTFELL”

The Abyss has no fury like a Dragon Scorned!

The next bit of fun comes from the mad mind of BDC. In our big campaign pitch, this month, we layed out a great frame work for a great game or series of games. It is simply Xorvindaal, the game that dragons play in order to outsmart their peers and take their hoards. Sounds likeContinueContinue reading “The Abyss has no fury like a Dragon Scorned!”