Dread Elementals: Creature of Rot and Mist

With a book coming out in May bringing back the feel, flavor and lore of Ravenloft, it gets me thinking of what they could possibly be bringing to the table. We already know that, unlike Curse of Strahd, we’re getting not one but a multitude of varying domains and big bads as well. As IContinueContinue reading “Dread Elementals: Creature of Rot and Mist”

Dread Elementals: Written in Blood

With a book coming out in May bringing back the feel, flavor and lore of Ravenloft, it gets me thinking of what they could possibly be bringing to the table. We already know that, unlike Curse of Strahd, we’re getting not one but a multitude of varying domains and big bads as well. As IContinueContinue reading “Dread Elementals: Written in Blood”

Character Reference: Can even a fiend be redeemed?

The following bit of Lore dump and insanity was brought to you by BDC It was one of those classic moments. The DM takes a player to the side to roleplay an important scene. In this instance, a new character that had only had two sessions gets caught up in a regional conflict between valiantContinueContinue reading “Character Reference: Can even a fiend be redeemed?”


BY BDC Now, if you’ve been looking around our site, you know we’ve been deep diving weres of all types and, last week, we focused on the illusive wererat. What I found was that they had the most detailed lore in the past editions than any of the other types. Not only am I readyContinueContinue reading “MONASTIC TRADITION: WAY OF THE FETID BLADE”

Wererats: Just part of the Mischief

Welcome to October, folks.  Just realized that we have begun our deep dive into Weres here in spooktober.  I would like to say that it was a massively planned multi-media event, but it just seems that the stars have aligned for this day and time.  Anyway, we are working toward our first published adventure, MANIFESTOContinueContinue reading “Wererats: Just part of the Mischief”

Why Play Weres?

By BDC Pic from the 5E Monster Manual/Art by Jesper Ejsing My first thought in writing this article is, “Why not?”  I mean have you read the writeup in the 5E Monster Manual?  Pretty much gives most of the perks without any of the drawbacks.  You get automatic bonus’ to strength or dexterity, natural weapons,ContinueContinue reading “Why Play Weres?”