Healing Zendikar: Lore Discussion Pt 2

This week we got part two of the lore for #ZendikarRising and, I have to say, things are getting interesting. We find that what happened in the cinematic trailer was a real spoiler. So, before you read this, I suggest you go to #Wotc #MTG story page and read the two entries. It will alsoContinueContinue reading “Healing Zendikar: Lore Discussion Pt 2”

D&D in Zendikar: Ranger Archtype Lineslinger

Akiri, Kor resident of Zendikar, is a survivor of a dreaded, apocalyptic event.  Eldritch horrors known to them as the Eldrazi razed their world; crushing nearly all forms of civilization.  Her and her people carry the inner scars of the turmoil.  Rebuilding is ongoing.  She has attached herself to one of the many Expeditionary HousesContinueContinue reading “D&D in Zendikar: Ranger Archtype Lineslinger”

Draining the swamp: Guul Draz, Vampires, and the return of the skyclaves (Lore and RPG ideas)

 The first continent we’re going to look at is the humid, jungle entangled, swampy marshed land criss-crossed with a myriad of lagoons and waterways: Guul Draz.  The lore says that there are more ruins here than anywhere else.  Strange to begin with.  But, despite a near impossible terrain to deal with, civilization still thrives andContinueContinue reading “Draining the swamp: Guul Draz, Vampires, and the return of the skyclaves (Lore and RPG ideas)”

Why play D&D in Zendikar?

Sorry to all of the DMs and players of D&D out there, seeing that we have been quite busy with the new Magic the Gathering set #ZendikarRising. Spoiler season has been nonstop for awhile, but the introduction of the return to Zendikar and the new lore dump has had us very excited and VERY distracted.ContinueContinue reading “Why play D&D in Zendikar?”

Healing Zendikar

by BDC In the opening lore dump at MTG, the stage is set. I’m really pleased with the amount of info we’ve gotten so far, but there are still a lot of questions to be answered. I don’t won’t to spoil the whole thing, so you may want to read THIS before you read on.ContinueContinue reading “Healing Zendikar”

Magic goes old school D&D in a new mechanic and set

Magic the Gathering, being owned by the same company that owns the greatest RPG game of all time, Dungeons and Dragons, has taken a few stabs at merging the world in the past with the various Planeshifts to Innistrad, Zendikar, Amonkhet, Dominaria, Kaladesh and Ixilan. And Wizards of the Coast dug even deeper with aContinueContinue reading “Magic goes old school D&D in a new mechanic and set”