Warlock Patron: Dragons

This article is an extension of an article written earlier introducing (and reintroducing to some) the Game of Dragons: Xorvindaal. Expanded on in Monster Manual V back in 3.5, the game of Xorvindaal was the sport of Dragons outsmarting each other in a massive game of ‘find the hoard’; pitting their hoard against the hoardsContinueContinue reading “Warlock Patron: Dragons”

Campaign Pitch: Xorvintaal, a game of Dragons & Hoards!

Now, to start, this has nothing to do with Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon despite the ideas that ‘Dragon Games’ brings up. It is just one of myriad of old-school D&D lore that I dug up and found to be the perfect backdrop for an ongoing campaign. Dragons live long lives andContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: Xorvintaal, a game of Dragons & Hoards!”

In a Different Class: Guns Blazing!

For as long as I can remember, the discussion of including firearms in D&D has been a volatile issue at times. DMs fearing that it will imbalance the game or make it ‘less fantasy’ has kept a good many builds from seeing the light of day. And that’s fine if that’s your take, but, ifContinueContinue reading “In a Different Class: Guns Blazing!”

D&D Monster Mind F*s: The Maurezhi

The following rolling darkness comes from the scheming mind of BDC. Now, this project began as a look into monsters that can F your mind up. But we’re going to begin with one that never ever intrudes into your mental space but will mess you up anyway…or, at least, those left among the living! Now,ContinueContinue reading “D&D Monster Mind F*s: The Maurezhi”

Playing a Raggamoffyn as a PC

The following Spooktober offering is from the dark mind of BDC Returning to the theme of ‘reskinning the Warforged’, I want to enter this spooky season looking into one of the most bizzare offerings from the article I wrote on the subject: The Raggamoffyn. Not made of wood, stone or metal like the Scarecrow, theContinueContinue reading “Playing a Raggamoffyn as a PC”

Forgotten gods of the Forgotten Realms: HOAR

Let me take you back about twenty years or so. I’ve just introduced my oldest to The Forgotten Realms and are actually attempting to convert his D6 Starwars character (who has been toying with Sith things) into the realm of Faerun. It was quite an adjustment, but we all soon fell in love with theContinueContinue reading “Forgotten gods of the Forgotten Realms: HOAR”

Making a Dao Genie Paton

The following madness comes from the mind of BDC So, you were reading over Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and came upon one of the two new warlock patrons listed there and you thought having a genie as a patron sounds cool. And it does. You go a step further and choose the Dao (pronounce Dow),ContinueContinue reading “Making a Dao Genie Paton”

Fey Patrons of the Frozen Wild

We’ve talked a lot about different classes in the wild; giving you something more to work with than simply having a whole tribe of barbarians who are ALL Barbarians. It just doesn’t make sense. It also doesn’t make sense to have two classes in the wild. Barbarians being the warrior class and all of thoseContinueContinue reading “Fey Patrons of the Frozen Wild”

In a Different Class: Warlock Psionic Patrons

We all see you struggling Wizards of the Coast. Trying to find the right balance to introduce Psionic abilities as either a new class or subclass has proven problematic to say the least. While most players don’t want a whole new mechanic, Wotc has always tried to tie down psionics with power points of someContinueContinue reading “In a Different Class: Warlock Psionic Patrons”

Becoming the Shadow: Shadowtouched as PCs

Shadows are low level Cr creatures (1/2) used mainly as tests in the early stages of a campaign. Usually easily forgotten although highly elusive and possibly dangerous is luck doesn’t persist. The fact that they can hide as a bonus action, get a +6 to stealth and can, if you are reduced to 0 andContinueContinue reading “Becoming the Shadow: Shadowtouched as PCs”