Shadow Dragons and other dark things from Shadowfell

I have said before that, although Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons is a good source of all things draconic for 5E, it misses some of the most interesting dragons. That would be one of my favorite types of dragons, Planar Dragons. I’ve already showcased my absolute favorite, the Chaos Dragon. So, now, I come to theContinueContinue reading “Shadow Dragons and other dark things from Shadowfell”

D&D Dead and Forgotten? The Shadow of a God

The following shadowy goodness comes to you from the dark mind of BDC! This is practically part three in a series of a campaign pitch that started in my article about shadowtouched and continued in the actual campaign pitch! In the above mentioned campaign pitch, I also gave five or six options for a bigContinueContinue reading “D&D Dead and Forgotten? The Shadow of a God”