D&D Dead and Forgotten? The Shadow of a God

The following shadowy goodness comes to you from the dark mind of BDC! This is practically part three in a series of a campaign pitch that started in my article about shadowtouched and continued in the actual campaign pitch! In the above mentioned campaign pitch, I also gave five or six options for a bigContinueContinue reading “D&D Dead and Forgotten? The Shadow of a God”

Becoming the Shadow: Shadowtouched as PCs

Shadows are low level Cr creatures (1/2) used mainly as tests in the early stages of a campaign. Usually easily forgotten although highly elusive and possibly dangerous is luck doesn’t persist. The fact that they can hide as a bonus action, get a +6 to stealth and can, if you are reduced to 0 andContinueContinue reading “Becoming the Shadow: Shadowtouched as PCs”

Things to do in D&D when you’re dead

Along your path to adventure, if you play enough, you find yourself face to face with death itself.  Now usually that doesn’t include the boney dude in the cape swinging the scythe; although in RPGs it totally could.  No, most of the time, facing death is just that.  We find ourselves dropping to zero hitContinueContinue reading “Things to do in D&D when you’re dead”