In developing a PC for a run at Tomb of Annihilation on October 30th to early Halloween, I came upon the need to develop a FEAR DOMAIN. I began with playing the SCARECROW AS A PC using the Warforged racial traits with little or no altering. Then I began to study upon possible GODS OFContinueContinue reading “MINISTER OF FEAR: 5E FEAR DOMAIN”

Reskinning the Warforged: Scarecrows as PCs

The following Spooktober offering is from the dark mind of BDC There aren’t many better symbols of this season we are about to celebrate than the horrid visage of the scarecrow. Besides maybe the Jack-O-Lantern, the Scarecrow best embodies the dark and frightening time of year and carries with it the power of fear itself.ContinueContinue reading “Reskinning the Warforged: Scarecrows as PCs”

Things to do in D&D when you’re dead

Along your path to adventure, if you play enough, you find yourself face to face with death itself.  Now usually that doesn’t include the boney dude in the cape swinging the scythe; although in RPGs it totally could.  No, most of the time, facing death is just that.  We find ourselves dropping to zero hitContinueContinue reading “Things to do in D&D when you’re dead”