Dangerous Minds: Playing a Splintered Personality in D&D

I am by no means writing this article as an expert into what is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder. When I was younger, the term Multiple Personality Disorder or Syndrome was the more prevalent descriptor. But, just to get a definition about the disorder I’m talking about and to define some of the general causesContinueContinue reading “Dangerous Minds: Playing a Splintered Personality in D&D”

Dread Elementals: The Grave is Not the End

This dark and horrid monster is brought to you by BDC and The Magic Tavern Following the path of dark cultists and even darker, tainted magics, you come to the end of your journey; the place of the dead. So far, those of you who are left, have survived trail by PYRE, BLOOD and ROT.ContinueContinue reading “Dread Elementals: The Grave is Not the End”