I would like to RAGE? Barbarian Options and Flavors!

This bit of fun comes from the twisted mind of BDC. Ok, before I get started, I would like to make something perfectly clear. There is nothing at all wrong with playing a Barbarian and pulling a ‘Willingham’ by simply saying, ‘I would like to rage’. If you’re either a new player or a playerContinueContinue reading “I would like to RAGE? Barbarian Options and Flavors!”

D&D Crossover: Banner/Hulk

NOTE: This is a build that grew from our new Stream on Saturday nights around 7 PM called COLD BREW where we take a subject and do what we do best; brainstorm ideas. This Saturday the 24th we will discuss CLERICS. Come join us with your personal builds and ideas to help us conceive someContinueContinue reading “D&D Crossover: Banner/Hulk”

DND Crossover: The Strange Case of Jekyll/Hyde

ALSO see the main article talking about using Barbarian and RAGE mainly as a catalyst for transformations. Not only did we mention VENOM, but several other great ideas. There will be a character sheet and rundown of build at the end of article. Dr. Elvistien J’Keel was a prominent alchemist in one of the largestContinueContinue reading “DND Crossover: The Strange Case of Jekyll/Hyde”

Character Reference: Zekt, the Immortal

Born in a mountain citadel lorded over by a dragon of living lightning, Zekt, a goblin of no real importance, slaved away as menial labor. He wasn’t smart enough to work with the artificers that made the dragon’s constructs and not thought brave enough to lead or even be a part of the guard. ItContinueContinue reading “Character Reference: Zekt, the Immortal”