Tell by its stripes: Tiger options for your game

Getting ready to have an intelligent (hopefully) discussion on weres of all types, I decided to look into one of the types of lycanthropes I usually skip: Weretigers. And, in the process, started brewing up all sorts of options of how to use the tiger motif in your upcoming campaign. Check us out Tuesday NightsContinueContinue reading “Tell by its stripes: Tiger options for your game”

Rising From the Ashes: Mono Red EDH

Art from the card ‘CHANDRA’S PHOENIX” by Aleksi Briclot Article by BDC A few months back, I began to collect all sorts of Phoenix cards in MTG. It was sort of an obsession for me, but, in the back of my mind, it was always going to become a deck of some sorts. And, althoughContinueContinue reading “Rising From the Ashes: Mono Red EDH”