Forgotten gods of the Forgotten Realms: HOAR

Let me take you back about twenty years or so. I’ve just introduced my oldest to The Forgotten Realms and are actually attempting to convert his D6 Starwars character (who has been toying with Sith things) into the realm of Faerun. It was quite an adjustment, but we all soon fell in love with theContinueContinue reading “Forgotten gods of the Forgotten Realms: HOAR”

In a Different Class: Warlock Psionic Patrons

We all see you struggling Wizards of the Coast. Trying to find the right balance to introduce Psionic abilities as either a new class or subclass has proven problematic to say the least. While most players don’t want a whole new mechanic, Wotc has always tried to tie down psionics with power points of someContinueContinue reading “In a Different Class: Warlock Psionic Patrons”