The Plot Thickens, Two Green Gods drop and a Legendary Boost

Holy Alrund! The Skalds will be singing all night tonight! Spoiler Season begins, we get our first bit of fiction and it’s what we expected and more!
First off, SPOILER! We will be talking about the first episode of the Kaldheim fiction posted on Wotc’s magic story section, so, if you haven’t read it, READ IT! Also will be showing off some cards recently released and it is…wait for it…LEGENDARY

Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny

Art by Moisés Rodríguez “The transformative power of both love and hate each can either bless or curse a soul. Long ago, there was a young woman who had just come into her beauty; so striking a beauty was she that she could naturally enchant any man she wanted.   But, as long as she couldContinueContinue reading “Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny”

Weekend Speculation: The SPIRIT of Kaldheim

First off, SPOILERS.  Things will be mentioned about Kaldheim that are spoiled information, so, if your enjoyment from said MTG set will be harmed by viewing such, I’d say not to continue. Art by Susan Sedden Boulet Welcome back, VORTHOS VOYUERS!  Most of us reading this article love a good storyline and, therefore, look aheadContinueContinue reading “Weekend Speculation: The SPIRIT of Kaldheim”

Oko in Kaldheim?

So coming in the first quarter of next year we finally get to visit a plain that before then, we had only seen mentioned, Kaldheim. A new world full of Vikings and lots of snow. This has led to people asking a few different questions. Will it be based around Norse mythology like Theros isContinueContinue reading “Oko in Kaldheim?”

Healing Zendikar: Lore Discussion Pt 2

This week we got part two of the lore for #ZendikarRising and, I have to say, things are getting interesting. We find that what happened in the cinematic trailer was a real spoiler. So, before you read this, I suggest you go to #Wotc #MTG story page and read the two entries. It will alsoContinueContinue reading “Healing Zendikar: Lore Discussion Pt 2”

Who in MTG is Sisay?

Sisay appears first as a card in Vanguard format in the Arena League’s summer season of 1997. This mechanic reminds me of the recent Companion mechanic from Ikoria.  It is played outside of the deck and modifies both your starting hand size and your life total, all the while, adding an ability that aids inContinueContinue reading “Who in MTG is Sisay?”

If I Wrote: Zendikar Rising

With Zendikar coming out in a little over a month, I thought I would take some time and talk out my ideas on where I hope and wish the story for the plane would go. Zendikar is easily one of my faovirte planes, being the first place we saw the Eldrazi and how much I love those titans. The last time we saw the plane is was in ruins and the battles that were waged had taken its toll on the plane itself.