Navigating the Swamp of Oblivion and other Elemental Oozey destinations!

Over a year ago, we talked about Genasi options who were under the influence of the para-elemental planes of Smoke, Ice, Dust and ooze. Now, we’re going to go on an expidition to one of the aforementioned planes; the plane of OOZE. The para-elemental planes have been with us since the Manual of the PlanesContinueContinue reading “Navigating the Swamp of Oblivion and other Elemental Oozey destinations!”

Reskinning the Warforged: Scarecrows as PCs

The following Spooktober offering is from the dark mind of BDC There aren’t many better symbols of this season we are about to celebrate than the horrid visage of the scarecrow. Besides maybe the Jack-O-Lantern, the Scarecrow best embodies the dark and frightening time of year and carries with it the power of fear itself.ContinueContinue reading “Reskinning the Warforged: Scarecrows as PCs”

Mystery of the Splintered Goddess: Cegilune, the Hag Queen

Sorry it’s taken me SO long to get back to you and I hope my absence hasn’t dampened your inquisitive spirits, cause today we have more of the mystery of the Shattered Queen, also known as The Queen of Air and Darkness. In the first article, we laid out the origins and pertinent information toContinueContinue reading “Mystery of the Splintered Goddess: Cegilune, the Hag Queen”

Warlock Patron: Hags and Covens

After last weeks venture into storytelling and game suggestion (check out our article-Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny), we discussed the Mother of all Hags (literally), Cegilune, and mentioned that she would be a great patron for a warlock. As a part of developing The Magic Tavern’s next book, CONSTRUCTIVE CONSTRUCTS: SCARECROWS, I’ve done some extensiveContinueContinue reading “Warlock Patron: Hags and Covens”

Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny

Art by Moisés Rodríguez “The transformative power of both love and hate each can either bless or curse a soul. Long ago, there was a young woman who had just come into her beauty; so striking a beauty was she that she could naturally enchant any man she wanted.   But, as long as she couldContinueContinue reading “Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny”