D&D Monster Mind F*s: The Maurezhi

The following rolling darkness comes from the scheming mind of BDC. Now, this project began as a look into monsters that can F your mind up. But we’re going to begin with one that never ever intrudes into your mental space but will mess you up anyway…or, at least, those left among the living! Now,ContinueContinue reading “D&D Monster Mind F*s: The Maurezhi”

Power from the Grave: Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord Casual EDH

The coming madness is from the warped mind of BDC I LOVE graveyard decks. Not going to explain that again. You can just check my take on this idea in Standard. But I’ve been collecting cards that self mill and/or return lands or creatures from the graveyard for some time. But my favorite collection isContinueContinue reading “Power from the Grave: Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord Casual EDH”

Forgotten Realms Speculation: Unraveling Maro’s Mysteries!

On the cusp of spoiler season for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, we stand eager and hungry for any bit of information we can get. Even the leaked land card (seen to the right) gets The Magic Tavern abuzz with speculation and anticipation. But, something we’ve grown accustomed to getting always has us trying toContinueContinue reading “Forgotten Realms Speculation: Unraveling Maro’s Mysteries!”

MTG Speculation: Gods of the Forgotten Realms

Well, Magic the Gathering’s big cross over with D&D is just a little over two months away and we already have a few spoilers. The biggest of which is the card announced for the mighty Dragon God, Tiamet. AND, with renewal season just a few months past that, we have to wonder if Adventures inContinueContinue reading “MTG Speculation: Gods of the Forgotten Realms”

A second planeswalker, amazing lore and some badass art drops for Kaldheim

Earlier today, I dropped an article about first reactions and speculations on the new planeswalker from Theros arriving in Kaldheim soon, Niko Aris. All the while, Wotc was dropping a load of lore, artwork and one more planeswalker FROM Kaldheim! Man, today has been almost too much to digest. For the past few months, I’veContinueContinue reading “A second planeswalker, amazing lore and some badass art drops for Kaldheim”

Weekend Speculation: Elves in Kaldheim

A great deal of us are looking forward to the upcoming Kaldheim set and, at the same time, are a bit apprehensive.  And with good reason.  Wotc has had their moments of brilliance and, at the same time, dropped the ball completely at times.  So it should be no surprise that tentative optimism is aboutContinueContinue reading “Weekend Speculation: Elves in Kaldheim”

Kaldheim Commander Titles Spoiled

Well, it happens as it does in all corners of MTG, a crumb of a tidbit has been spoiled. But it’s still a spoiler, so, if you don’t want to be spoiled, you might want to move along. Otherwise, Vorthos Voyeurs, let’s trek into the dark waters of what’s to come! SKYBREEN, KALDHEIM by WayneContinueContinue reading “Kaldheim Commander Titles Spoiled”

Casual Modern Elf Decktech

Article by BDC Our man Panda loves his tribal decks. And, for the most part, we build casual decks from whatever we can get out hands on here in the city we live in. It’s been a bit of a sport here at the magic tavern. Of course, once we started buying boxes and gainingContinueContinue reading “Casual Modern Elf Decktech”