Casual Kaalia: EDH deck tech

So, story time. When I was first getting back into MTG, my son was around 10 years old. He wanted to play commander with me and that sounded like fun. Just something for us to enjoy together. So I asked him what I asked him what type of deck he would like. His answer was…ContinueContinue reading “Casual Kaalia: EDH deck tech”

Tourach, Dread Cantor: Casual EDH Discard Deck

There are a lot of good choices for commander in Modern Horizons 2; some very powerful and many terribly expensive mana-wise. So, thinking of a cheaper mana value choice, I came upon Tourach, Dread Cantor. Despite the fact that it has the optional kicker mechanic, it is, at its base, a two drop which makesContinueContinue reading “Tourach, Dread Cantor: Casual EDH Discard Deck”

Squirrels to nuts: Toski Casual EDH

By BDC Besides that Vorinclex card, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, has been all the chatter. Long have we waited for a Legendary Squirrel and NOW we have it! And, unlike the aforementioned Phyrexian, Toski is confirmed and coming in Kaldheim. I mean, it was a no brainer. If you were to get a legendary squirrel,ContinueContinue reading “Squirrels to nuts: Toski Casual EDH”

The game I wish I could play

The name of the game? Flesh and Blood. It caught me off guard cause I had never even heard of the game or seen it in a single game store that I am in quiet often. After this conversation I did what every card board addict does when they hear about a new game, I ran to the internet to see more.

Colorless EDH: Eldrazi and friends!

Have you ever been sitting around, wondering what new commander deck you want to build and thought to yourself: “ I want something really powerful, easy (ish) mana base, and a deck that will pretty much instantly make me the archenemy…” Well, have I got the deck for you! Welcome to one of my favorite deck, and definitely the most powerful deck I own. Colorless Edlrazi and friends.

EDH Deck Tech: Casual Mizzix!

So for this deck tech I decided to do something a little different! I finally got my hands on Mizzix of the Izmagnus. Fun side note, this is the card that got me into commander. I was watching a video from the guys over at The Command Zone and josh brought up this commander. I have always loved Goblins and UR is one of my favorite color pairs…

EDH Deck Tech: Goblin Peek-A-Boo

With the two awesome new goblins in Core Set 2021 I thought it was about time I shared my goblin EDH deck with you guys! I have loved goblins for a long time. Every since I first started playing DnD long ago. When I started building EDH decks it was an easy choice on which one had to come first.

Deck Tech: You had me at Tinybones

Tinybones, Trinket Thief is are new legend in the Jumpstart set that is coming soon. His text made me automatically think of a commander deck built around stripping your opponents of their cards and once they have no options to fight back, we use his ability to start draining them one opponent at a time…