The Legacy of the Immoths: Knowledge, Curse and Ice

In the process of developing the Campaign Pitch for the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, Frostfell, we introduced our villain, the fifth wheel among the evil archmentals, Cryonax and his mad dreams of becoming the king of his own icy domain that encompasses the whole of the elemental plane. We also introduced the enigmatic Immoths; elementalContinueContinue reading “The Legacy of the Immoths: Knowledge, Curse and Ice”

The Abyss has no fury like a Dragon Scorned!

The next bit of fun comes from the mad mind of BDC. In our big campaign pitch, this month, we layed out a great frame work for a great game or series of games. It is simply Xorvindaal, the game that dragons play in order to outsmart their peers and take their hoards. Sounds likeContinueContinue reading “The Abyss has no fury like a Dragon Scorned!”

Campaign Pitch: Xorvintaal, a game of Dragons & Hoards!

Now, to start, this has nothing to do with Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon despite the ideas that ‘Dragon Games’ brings up. It is just one of myriad of old-school D&D lore that I dug up and found to be the perfect backdrop for an ongoing campaign. Dragons live long lives andContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: Xorvintaal, a game of Dragons & Hoards!”

D&D Dead and Forgotten? The Shadow of a God

The following shadowy goodness comes to you from the dark mind of BDC! This is practically part three in a series of a campaign pitch that started in my article about shadowtouched and continued in the actual campaign pitch! In the above mentioned campaign pitch, I also gave five or six options for a bigContinueContinue reading “D&D Dead and Forgotten? The Shadow of a God”

Campaign Pitch: Master of Shadows

You remember the thing’s eyes. It looked right at you as it left you for dead taking your shadow with it. That’s right. It tore your very shadow away from you and took it as its slave. As it turned from you, it laughed to itself. As the life began to fade from your body,ContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: Master of Shadows”

Tell by its stripes: Tiger options for your game

Getting ready to have an intelligent (hopefully) discussion on weres of all types, I decided to look into one of the types of lycanthropes I usually skip: Weretigers. And, in the process, started brewing up all sorts of options of how to use the tiger motif in your upcoming campaign. Check us out Tuesday NightsContinueContinue reading “Tell by its stripes: Tiger options for your game”

Hags: Adventure Hooks

Talking about Hags Tuesday night (Sept 21st, 2021) brought out a lot of fun ideas for characters and storylines. Next week (Sept 28th), we’re talking Werewolves, Werebears, Were-EVERYTHING! It’s going to be fun. And if you’re late to the party, we stream every Tuesday night around 8pm Central time on themagictavern on Twitch! But HagsContinueContinue reading “Hags: Adventure Hooks”

Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny

Art by Moisés Rodríguez “The transformative power of both love and hate each can either bless or curse a soul. Long ago, there was a young woman who had just come into her beauty; so striking a beauty was she that she could naturally enchant any man she wanted.   But, as long as she couldContinueContinue reading “Hags: Love, Nature and Destiny”

Draining the swamp: Guul Draz, Vampires, and the return of the skyclaves (Lore and RPG ideas)

 The first continent we’re going to look at is the humid, jungle entangled, swampy marshed land criss-crossed with a myriad of lagoons and waterways: Guul Draz.  The lore says that there are more ruins here than anywhere else.  Strange to begin with.  But, despite a near impossible terrain to deal with, civilization still thrives andContinueContinue reading “Draining the swamp: Guul Draz, Vampires, and the return of the skyclaves (Lore and RPG ideas)”

Why play D&D in Zendikar?

Sorry to all of the DMs and players of D&D out there, seeing that we have been quite busy with the new Magic the Gathering set #ZendikarRising. Spoiler season has been nonstop for awhile, but the introduction of the return to Zendikar and the new lore dump has had us very excited and VERY distracted.ContinueContinue reading “Why play D&D in Zendikar?”