Playing a Raggamoffyn as a PC

The following Spooktober offering is from the dark mind of BDC Returning to the theme of ‘reskinning the Warforged’, I want to enter this spooky season looking into one of the most bizzare offerings from the article I wrote on the subject: The Raggamoffyn. Not made of wood, stone or metal like the Scarecrow, theContinueContinue reading “Playing a Raggamoffyn as a PC”

DM HELPS: The Cowled Wizards of AMN

So you want to run a campaign in Amn of the Forgotten Realms? What’s the most important thing you need to know as a DM or even as a PC who’s from there? Well, if you ask me, it would be their feelings on the practice of the arcane arts. In a word, it’s outlawed.ContinueContinue reading “DM HELPS: The Cowled Wizards of AMN”

Becoming the Shadow: Shadowtouched as PCs

Shadows are low level Cr creatures (1/2) used mainly as tests in the early stages of a campaign. Usually easily forgotten although highly elusive and possibly dangerous is luck doesn’t persist. The fact that they can hide as a bonus action, get a +6 to stealth and can, if you are reduced to 0 andContinueContinue reading “Becoming the Shadow: Shadowtouched as PCs”