DND Crossover: The Strange Case of Jekyll/Hyde

ALSO see the main article talking about using Barbarian and RAGE mainly as a catalyst for transformations. Not only did we mention VENOM, but several other great ideas. There will be a character sheet and rundown of build at the end of article. Dr. Elvistien J’Keel was a prominent alchemist in one of the largestContinueContinue reading “DND Crossover: The Strange Case of Jekyll/Hyde”

Character Reference Special: Barbaric Transformations

Ok, so this weekend we started our COLDBREW series on our stream. We decided to run the list of classes and, not only, look at the optimal builds, but, as is our speciality, get creative and brew some ‘out of the box’ Barbarians. Something we ttouched upon but didn’t really have time to flesh outContinueContinue reading “Character Reference Special: Barbaric Transformations”