The Legacy of the Immoths: Knowledge, Curse and Ice

In the process of developing the Campaign Pitch for the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, Frostfell, we introduced our villain, the fifth wheel among the evil archmentals, Cryonax and his mad dreams of becoming the king of his own icy domain that encompasses the whole of the elemental plane. We also introduced the enigmatic Immoths; elementalContinueContinue reading “The Legacy of the Immoths: Knowledge, Curse and Ice”

Campaign Pitch: The Mad Dreams of Cryonax

Reading over my travelogue deep diving the Paraelemental Plane of Ice AKA Frostfell, I began to see pieces that would make a great campaign. There are so many juicy tidbits to be gobbled up by an attentive DM and it makes a great backdrop for storytelling. But, as with many elemental planes, it seems aContinueContinue reading “Campaign Pitch: The Mad Dreams of Cryonax”

Braving the Bitter Cold in the Volatile plane of FROSTFELL

Over a year ago, we talked about Genasi options who were under the influence of the para-elemental planes of Smoke, Ice, Dust and ooze. Now, we’re going to go on an expedition to one of the aforementioned planes; the plane of ICE. Now, you’ll need a bit more prep than you did for The SwampContinueContinue reading “Braving the Bitter Cold in the Volatile plane of FROSTFELL”